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Innovative Options for Mount Penang Botanical Gardens

Due to a storm event, the decorative granite footpaths experienced damage including subsidence and washouts at Mount Penang Botanical Gardens. This is a concern for not just the aesthetics of the beautiful gardens, but also a safety issue.

Green Options have provided an innovative solution using Nano Technology. The paths were cultivated and the liquid water-soluble ion exchanger product was mixed with the material, before the paths were re-leveled and compacted. The product acts as a catalyst on the surface by stabilising the loose granite material, changing its chemical and physical properties, creating a harder and stronger surface.

Prior to works on site, samples were taken and tests were conducted to ensure the product would work on the site material. Results were positive with the treated cores holding up well.

The added benefits of these works is:
- A cost saving in time and materials
- No need for continuing repair work
- Better load capacity
- Cannot be destroyed by frost or moisture
- Environmentally friendly – it does not cause damage to ground water

The paths now have reduced tripping hazards, look great and enhance the beautiful parkland proudly maintained by Green Options.